Our Stages
The Six Flags Darien Lake Amphitheater MAIN STAGE
The Amphitheater is the big ticket venue. Internationally known artists play this stage throughout the Darien Lake season…and it’s our Main Event stage for the Festival. It’s the third largest concert venue in Western New York, with a capacity of over twenty-one thousand people. This is where Kingdom Bound’s headliners will play over the 3 night’s of the festival…and with the entire fixed seating area covered by a huge tent…we’re ready to rock…rain or shine!
Exclusively at The Amphitheater Stage: Reserved seating is offered at an additional charge (see our tickets page) for single day or full event tickets.
The Worship Tent
A long-standing tradition at the Kingdom Bound festival, The Worship Tent goes strong on ALL THREE DAYS of the Festival. Even with a capacity under the tent of 1,000 people and plenty of room around the outside of the tent to enjoy the sun and sing with the talented artists on the stage, it’s a strikingly intimate camp-meeting-type setting that brings out the best of Worship. Early AM worship for campers staying on site is offered each day, as well as late-night jams and worship seemingly around the clock. Special speakers are mixed into the day to make this a destination point for many!
Join us each afternoon for lots of fun at the I Am Second Gazebo Stage in the park. Don’t miss exciting skits, uplifting music, and a great message all day long.
The I Am Second Stage
Featuring fun for all ages, join us in the morning for our special kids programing and be sure to come back throughout the day for seminars, dance parties, and more!